Are you looking to save some money by handling your upcoming move on your own? If so, you may be in for a surprise when you try to get the move done on your moving day. Here are some problems that can trip you up and cause problems when doing a move on your own.
Underestimating Your Moving Truck
You will be given a variety of truck sizes to pick from when you are making the reservation for your truck rental. However, it may be difficult to determine what size truck you need if you haven't handles your own move before. There will also be smaller trucks that have an automatic transmission, which may be more tempting than a larger truck that has a stick shift. This can cause you to rent a truck that is smaller than what you need.
If you have a truck that is too small, you'll just waste a lot of time on your moving day needing to make a second trip. This also means more miles will be put on the truck and more gas will be used, which will increase the cost of your move.
Not Having Enough Moving Supplies
Running out of moving supplies is not only inconvenient, but it can potentially cause your belongings to become damaged during the move. You'll be less likely to run out to the store to get more moving supplies, which means your belongings won't have the protection they need. This includes having boxes that will keep everything secure, or enough bubble wrap to protect your odd shaped furniture items.
Getting Tired From Manual Labor
Don't make the mistake of thinking you can handle the move on your own with so much heavy lifting involved. If it is just you and one other person handling the move, it is likely that you'll start getting physically tired at some point and want to take a break. This can make it hard to hit moving deadlines, such as when you need to be out of your old place or when you can move into your new place. It will also drag the day on and make it harder to unpack when you are physically exhausted.
You can avoid running into these problems, since it's possible to hire professional movers, such as from Bekins Van Lines Inc, to handle everything for you. They'll have the right sized moving truck, have plenty of extra moving supplies, and have a large crew that can handle all the manual labor.