5 Simple Hacks To Stage Your Home's Pantry In Under An Hour

Life is hectic enough and then you have to sell your house. There's purging and cleaning and staging and ... too much. Avoid the overwhelm. While staging does help sell homes, there is no reason it has to take hours on end. In fact, you can stage your pantry in less than an hour with just a few, quick hacks. Ready, set, go!

60:00 - 40:00: Take everything out. Yes, everything. You want to start with a clean slate. Pull the kitchen table up close to the pantry and just pull it all out. When you are done, take a good look at what you have left. Wipe down the shelves, sweep the floor, and touch up any paint, if you can.  

40:00 - 30:00: Next, turn your attention to that massive pile of stuff on that you put on the kitchen table. Group like items together. So, all the pastas in one pile, rice in another, and snack items in a third. This is not the time to stockpile. You only need what you are going to use on a weekly basis in your pantry. Any extras should be packed (if non-perishable), gifted to friends, or donated.  

30:00 - 15:00: Put items in inexpensive containers from your local dollar store. Remove pasta or flour from the original box or bag and use a new, clear container. Use small-scale tubs to store everything else. 

15:00 - 05:00: An organized pantry is a labeled pantry. Making labels for the containers in your pantry not only keeps you organized, but it looks great, too. Don't stop there. Take the time -- we've got ten minutes -- to give your canned goods some attention. Turn the labels all in the same direction and make sure the spacing between them is equidistant. 

05:00 - 00:00: Take your last five minutes to add a few finishes touches. Hang up a cute, framed picture, add a small rug, you can even stand your cookbooks upright on the shelf with a bookend or two. 

In less than an hour, you can create an Instagram-worthy pantry that will have potential buyers swooning. Are buyers going to buy your house strictly due to your awesome pantry? Maybe. Maybe not. It will, however, make your house stand out in their mind, which is the always the goal when potential buyers see 10 houses or more. You want to be referred to as "the house with the killer pantry" rather than one they simply do not remember. Contact an agent for more help in getting your real estate for sale ready to show.
