Considering Showing Your Home During The Holidays? Four Things To Keep In Mind

Attempting to sell your home during the holidays can have both its advantages and disadvantages. Some real estate agents recommend taking a brief hiatus from actively promoting your home, while other agents have no problem with it. Here is what should know.

Check Your Real Estate Agent's Holiday Availability

The holidays are a busy time for most people, and that likely includes your real estate agent. However, if your agent feels that with your local market it may be beneficial to show your home during the holiday season and is willing to spend the time doing so, take their advice and go for it.

The Holidays Can Decrease Competition, But You May Also Get More Interest

Many people who are looking for a new house temporarily suspend their search during the holidays. But for some, this is the perfect time to look since they have less people to compete with. With less competition from other home buyers, you may not get a bidding war that could potentially drive up your asking price.

Conversely, because many sellers suspend showing their home during the holidays, those who are still looking to buy will be happy your home is available to look at. They are also more likely to be a serious buyer, which could translate into a quick, no-nonsense sale for you. Additionally, first-time homeowners with family in town for the holidays are more apt to want to view homes for sale to get their family's input.

Holiday Decorating Should Be Sparse

If you have had your home on the market for some time, you have hopefully already minimized the clutter and depersonalized the space by taking down the wall of family photographs and other highly personal items.

During the holidays, a lot of people naturally want to decorate for the season by putting up traditional things, such as a Christmas tree or menorah or other expression of their faith. While a little bit of holiday cheer, such as a Thanksgiving centerpiece, a wreath, or garland and a string of lights wrapped around the banister is fine, it is probably best to skip a giant Christmas tree or nativity set, though.  

Create A Cozy Feel

Just because you need to tone down the holiday décor doesn't mean you can't add warmth during an open house. If you have a fireplace, light it. Bake cookies or simmer vanilla and cinnamon sticks so the house is filled with a pleasant aroma. Have relaxing classical music quietly playing in the background.

For more information, work with real estate agents from a company like The Great Scott Group
