Want To Buy A Home? 4 Tips For Getting A Low-Maintenance Landscape

Going house shopping is a process that you can invest a lot of time and effort into learning about to make sure that you end up with the right home. While you may pay attention to many features when analyzing homes, you may want to spend the most time analyzing the landscape. This will help you purchase a property that has a low-maintenance landscape for your family to enjoy.


In some areas, such as the Pacific Northwest, many landscapes may get enough rain throughout the year that an irrigation system is not an essential feature. This makes it beneficial to search for homes without this kind of system because you will not have to worry about upkeep.

But, when you are looking at climates that benefit from having an irrigation system to help with watering the landscape, you should learn about all the details before making an offer. You may want to prioritize pop-up sprinklers because they minimize the chance of damage or breakage.

Finding a low-upkeep irrigation system is ideal because this feature will keep your grass and plants watered, which reduces how much manual watering you must do around the landscape. 


While you may love the idea of being able to harvest fruit from your own yard, you should avoid these trees because they are demanding. Harvesting from these trees is important to avoid rotten fruit from attracting all sorts of pests and animals to your backyard. Also, if you want to enjoy your harvests, you need to put time and effort into protecting the fruit while they ripen.


If you intend on living in a cold climate, you should take time to analyze the grass type on all homes for sale. To keep grass maintenance to a minimum, you cannot go wrong with tall fescue grass because it has the greatest tolerance to traffic and also handles shade and drought well.


Maintaining a landscape without any elevation change is easy because you do not have to worry about the tricky responsibilities that come with managing plants on different elevations. For instance, a steep hill requires careful action when trying to deadhead flowers and remove weeds.

Avoiding landscapes with varying elevation is ideal, unless the elevation change comes from retaining walls because they will still provide level growth on the top and bottom.

Getting a low-maintenance landscape with the real estate that you buy requires that you are willing to analyze important details regarding the elevation, irrigation, grass, and trees.
