What To Look For In Buying A Ranch Home

Ranch properties are an appealing chose for many folks looking for homes. During your search, though, you should keep an eye out for some of these three features that can provide value to your family and increase the resale value of the location.

A Basement

Due to the fact that many ranch homes for sale do not include a basement of any type, it's often a good idea to look for one that has a basement. An unfinished basement offers you the chance to think about what you'd like to do with the space, and it has value to future potential buyers even if you're not interested in using. A finished basement can be highly practical, allowing you to set up a laundry room, game room or even a home theater.


When people think of ranch properties, they tend to picture them sitting on plots that have a fair amount of land attached. Having both a front yard and a backyard provides plenty of room to enjoy the property. Some space between you and your future neighbors is also a selling point.

If you're looking for a legitimate ranch property for light agricultural purposes, you can expect to acquire at least 20 acres. Think a lot about what you intend to do with the space, and only look at locations that meet your land requirements.

Conversely, many ranches have been parsed over time as regions have become more suburbanized. These smaller plots, such as ones that are two acres, can be appealing to folks who want a rural setting but don't necessarily want to buy tractors in order to mow the grass.

Access to Water

The more rural your location gets, the more challenging issues with water supply are going to be. If you're interested in truly rural ranch properties, be prepared to ask a lot of questions about the water. Does the site have access to city water and sewage? If not, what is the state of the current well on the property, and how long has it been there?

Water systems in rural areas often have limits. Throughput can be improved to some extent with pumping systems, but there is a point where you cannot overtax a well that is running laundry and a shower simultaneously. Even if you have city water, there will likely be limitations on consumption during the dry parts of the summer and the fall.

Learn more about ranch homes for sale from a local real estate agent.
