The Benefits of Working With a Probate Real Estate Agent

If a family member has passed away, you may need to sell their home and distribute the money to those in their will. Unfortunately, when it comes to selling a home following the death of a parent or close relative, emotion can take over. You may have siblings or family members who disagree on the value of the home and a listing price. This is where hiring a real estate agent who is familiar with probate can be beneficial. Read on to learn the benefits of working with a real estate agent familiar with the probate process when you are trying to sell the home of a loved one who passed away. 

The Real Estate Agent Can Lay Out Different Options Available

One of the benefits of working with a real estate agent that is experienced with handling probate real estate is that the agent can lay out the different options to the family members who are looking to sell the home. There are many different options, including one person buying other people out so the home can stay in the family, fixing the home up before selling it, or selling it as-is. A great agent will explain the different options available and help your family find the option that makes the most sense.  

The Real Estate Agent Can Work to Mediate Disputes 

Another benefit to working with a real estate agent who is experienced in probate real estate is that the agent can work to mediate disputes. You and your family members may not see eye to eye on fixing the house up before selling it or the listing price. An agent who has handled probate real estate before can explain some of the ins and outs of renovating a specific home or listing it as-is. They can also provide comps to help you see why it should be listed at one price and not another. 

The Real Estate Agent Knows What Probate Forms to File 

The final benefit of working with a real estate agent who is experienced in probate real estate is that they can fill out or file the correct forms to move the transaction along. Some transactions may need to be approved by the courts. A great real estate agent will stay on top of everything that needs to be done to help ensure the sale goes through promptly. 

Probate real estate can be tricky. You are working with multiple people who have different opinions, and emotions may come into play. A real estate agent who understands probate real estate can explain the different options that are available to all of the heirs, can work to resolve disputes, and can help to fill out the proper forms to complete the real estate transaction promptly.  
